Bach flower remedies are a type of natural remedy that is based on the idea of using flowers to treat various emotional problems. The remedies were developed by Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician, in the 1930s. There are 38 different Bach flower remedies, each of which is designed to treat a specific emotion, such as anxiety, depression, or fear.
For example, the remedy Chicory can be used to treat possessiveness and self-centeredness, while the remedy Rock Rose is designed for use in times of extreme stress or terror.
While the remedies are safe for both children and adults, they are not intended to be a substitute for medical care. Instead, they are meant to be used as a complement to other forms of treatment. The remedies are usually taken in the form of drops that are placed on the tongue.
Bach flower remedies work by helping to balance the emotions and improve wellbeing. Dr Bach also believed that emotional imbalances can cause physical illness. According to Dr. Bach, “The selection of the right flower remedy can often lead to a rapid improvement in health, as it removes the underlying cause of disease.”
Although flower remedies are considered an alternative therapy, Dr Bach was actually a conventional doctor. He was a surgeon and medical researcher in London when he started working on the flower remedies.
What emotional issues can Bach flowers help with?
Flower remedies can support a whole range of emotions from anxiety, depression, confidence, sleeping difficulties, motivation, anger and stress.
How to choose the right Bach Flower Remedy for you
If you are considering using Bach Flower Remedies, contact me so I can help you choose the right remedy for your specific needs.
Revitalise The Natural Way